My Time Volunteering At A Summer Leadership Camp


     Unlike turning in homework and telling my parents I have a science project, getting dressed to learn six or seven different subjects and have 1 hour of recess, this was just fun! Summer camp.!!

Growing up, I remember waking up for summer camp every morning ,from excited to  anxious to “I wanna go home!!.”

As a middle school student in the 4-H club, I went to my first overnight camp at Rock Eagle, during the summer I went to a day camp on many field trips.  Its just a different feeling, the feeling of socialization and having fun. Unfortunately, those only last around a few years, you will get to the age when you go from summer camp to a summer job.

After those days were over, I dedicated my time to interning and taking different volunteer positions at a couple summer camps at home in South Georgia and when I moved to Pennsylvania. Mt Poconos in PA Mountains has to be my all time favorite position 

( junior counselor)  so far, it really gave me an in depth view and love for camp culture. I told myself I will take 2019 off and come back in 2020.

Boom!! It was unfortunately cancelled due to the COVID 19 pandemic. My plans did change, I’m like no biggie, there will be a next year. Guess what? I had moved to a different state. Either traveled to PA or found one in Atlanta. I went with the cost free option. Which camp in Atlanta has the criteria I’m looking for seeking a summer counselor job. 

I’ve searched on Indeed, after 3-4 days, I’ve gotten a notification from C5 Youth Foundation, I ran into this organization through Google briefly. I did research on it. C5 Georgia is a 5-year leadership development program designed by PhD’s and youth development experts to serve under-resourced middle and high school youth. A couple of things that stood out were that C5 is a year five year program that starts in summer at a camp in Lookout Mountains and lasts all school year until students reach their Medallion year (12th grade). There is also Flint ( 7th-8th graders), Lantern(9th grade) , Hammer(10th) and Compass (11th).  C5 gives opportunity to many youth who would be the 1st in their family to graduate, high potential and may need an extra push. The curriculum focuses on being a leader and college readiness. 

I filled out the application which consists of questions about similar and past work/volunteer experiences, leadership roles etc. The application was pretty lengthy in itself, it was simple and was looking more towards actual experience . Lots of short answers!! Less than a week after my application was accepted, I had an interview. The interview was basically information about the campgrounds Camp Adahi and Leadership University, C5 organization itself including overview of work history. The camp lasted for 5 weeks and was overnight.

I showed up to the office and rode in the van along with a few other staff. Which in itself is an excellent idea to get a feel of the camp and C5 culture . Since the camp is overnight, staff and volunteers lived on campgrounds for all of the training. Most of the staff and volunteers are alumni, they were informative of most questions that needed answers.  

Our training consists of team building activities working together as a group and following the exact routine that the C5ers will go by during their week stay at camp. Let’s not forget the pocket games!! We got more in depth about Leadership University, workshops that are held teaching , C5ers how to lead.

The 1st day with the C5ers consisted of a stage production of Finding Dory : C5 version with Dory being played by yours truly :) 

I was a cabin counselor to four 9th grade Lanterns, it was a pleasant and humbling experience. Just doing basic duties such as supervising, waking the girls up and conducting cabin insights. The food had the best food ever and my highlight was our unforgettable dance competition!!

As a group leader I’ve taught a journalism workshop and one LU.  C5 follows a curriculum when it comes to the structure, there is a mixture of leadership and also regular summer camp incentives  . 

Camp Adahi has very little ADA accessibility , there is lots of walking to get around on campgrounds, Thankfully our cabin had a ramp outside and a walk-in shower. There were times I had to get a ride on the truck to get to Field of Fun and Lake Adahi.

When it comes to C5 students will go on trek. Trekking was a lot for me, I did it, we did it. The girls meal plan and cooked on a camp stove. Survival skills are crucial, that was the first time I actually camp camp.

Yes, they cooked pretty good fun !! 

The mountains are just beautiful, you can see it from your car. You can only get around by car in this specific area with the closest major Walmart being in Chattanooga, TN.   Overall I had a decent experience with C5, everyone especially the staff was supportive and understanding. I had to leave early due to health issues, Camp Adahi is my ultimate favorite summer by far. 


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