2021 Spotlight : A Fabulo Stellar Halloween Costume !!!
Halloween was October 31st as always! You could have been a Squid Game character , a dinosaur or a disco queen/king. Despite all the costumes I did see, a common theme was definitely NASA / space. This past Halloween both adults and children worn outfits outer space related . That was the lane I headed in for my own costume. My inspiration was Zenon Girl Of The 21st Century. I drew the character inspiration from Nebula. I gathered a denim skirt I have and rolled it up thigh length to create a short mini skirt. The vest is actually a part of my City Year uniform. One thing that really knocked me off was the colors. As far the styling goes, the recreation did follow the guidelines. The colors were primary and neutral which had taken away from the complement of the styling and its familiarized concept . There is a CY logo that would have been covered with a “N” for Nebula Theref